Order online and get started today!

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Starter Plan

Up to £1k monthly ad budget


per month – cancel any time

  • Google Ads
  • Local Service Ads
  • Management & Optimisation
  • Expert UK Team
  • Monthly Reports
  • Sales Igniter
    (Worth £145pm)
  • Free Setup
    (worth £150)

Small Business

Up to £4k monthly ad budget


per month – cancel any time

  • Google Ads
  • Local Service Ads
  • Shopping Ads
  • Management & Optimisation
  • Expert UK Team
  • Monthly Reports
  • Sales Igniter
    (Worth £235pm)
  • Free Setup
    (worth £225)

Growth Business

Up to £10k monthly ad budget


per month – cancel any time

  • Google & Microsoft
  • Local Service Ads
  • Shopping Ads
  • Management & Optimisation
  • Remarketing & Display
  • Landing Page Optimisation
  • Expert UK Team
  • Monthly Reports
  • Sales Igniter
    (Worth £235pm)
  • Free Setup
    (worth £300)

Professional Plan

£10k+ monthly ad budget


of ad spend per month

  • Google & Microsoft
  • Local Service Ads
  • Shopping Ads
  • Management & Optimisation
  • Remarketing & Display
  • Landing Page Optimisation
  • Advanced Strategies
  • International Campaigns
  • Expert UK Team
  • Monthly Reports
  • Sales Igniter
    (Worth £235pm)
  • Free Setup
    (worth £375)

– Expert UK Team – Google Partners –
Prices are subject to VAT

What is Sales Igniter?

Sales Igniter is a CRM and marketing automation platform developed by Link Digital and included with all our PPC plans for FREE! It enables you to manage your leads, automatically nurture leads by email and SMS, understand which keywords generate the most revenue, track phone calls, create landing pages and more.

How PPC Works



We will take care of everything from keyword research to ad writing.



We will analyse every aspect of your PPC campaigns and optimise them for results.



You will see business growth through increased leads and sales.

PPC Benefits

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Fast Results

Pay-per-click allows you to instantly appear at the top of Google for any keyword.

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More Control

We can specify exactly which keywords and locations to target as well as days and times to show your ads.

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You can adjust your ad budget up or down at any point to adapt for seasonal fluctuations and your capacity.

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Expert UK Team

Link Digital is a Google Partner with over a decade of experience in managing PPC campaigns and delivering results for businesses.

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Not only are we amongst the most experienced PPC agencies in the country, our prices are amongst the most affordable.

Questions? Check out our FAQs

How long will it take to see results from PPC?

From when you first place your order, it will take approximately 1 week to get setup. Then you will start seeing visitors and enquiries/sales almost immediately and the rate will continue to improve over time as we further optimise performance.

Is there a minimum contract?

No, all of our services are available on a rolling monthly basis with no minimum contract.

How will I know if it is effective?

Firstly, you will see more enquiries/sales. But we also provide detailed monthly reports.

My website is rubbish, will PPC work?

We can help build landing pages for your PPC campaigns or redesign your entire website (enquire for details). But we wouldn’t recommend sending PPC traffic to a poor website because it will not deliver results.
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Ready to place your PPC order?

Order online or call 0345 307 3380