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Ideal for small businesses



per month – cancel any time

  • Target Monthly Growth of 150+ Connections
  • Real Followers – No Bots
  • Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn
  • Targeting by Profile & Hashtags
  • 100% Safe
  • Rolling Monthly Plan


Ideal for ambitious businesses



per month – cancel any time

  • Target Monthly Growth of 300+ Connections
  • Real Followers – No Bots
  • Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn
  • Targeting by Profile & Hashtags
  • 100% Safe
  • Rolling Monthly Plan

– Expert UK Team –
Prices are subject to VAT

What is Social Growth?

We manually follow social media profiles that match your target audience and in turn some of them will follow you back. Increasing your social media followers so that your posts reach more people!

How it works



We research your industry to find competitors and similar businesses, and the the profiles that follow them which will be interested in your profile.



We manually follow and engage with the followers of your competitors. We check for fake accounts and don’t use risky bots.



Some of the profiles will follow you back increasing Your audience.

Social Growth Benefits

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Increase your followers on Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn

Organic growth of your social media audience meaning your posts reach more people.

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Don’t waste month buying fake followers

We manually attract real followers. Don’t waste your money buying fake followers that use bots, they risk getting your profiles banned and won’t bring you any customers.

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Our social growth plans start from just £145+vat per month.

Questions? Check out our FAQs

How does it work?

Once you sign up, you will be provided a few simple onboarding instructions to give us access to your profile. It takes 2-3 days for us to process your order and then the growth activity will start.

Is there a minimum contract?

if you decide that you don’t want to continue then you can cancel at any time. There is no minimum contract.

Why should I choose Link Digital?

We are a reputable UK digital marketing agency with over a decade of experience and we only use manual outreach strategies which are safe and effective. There are a lot of cheap, offshore services out there which use bots and fake accounts – don’t waste your money.
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Ready to place your Social Growth order?

Order online or call 0345 307 3380